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Sunday, August 21, 2011

What is your favorite BLOOD recipe?

Blood is a common makeup component in horror films. Stage blood works well enough, but independent filmmakers usually prefer to make their own concoctions, not only to save money, but also for the fun of it. To look real, blood needs good color and consistency. If it is too light or runny, it won't pass for the real thing. In the days of black and white film, a much larger array of substances was availale, as the color was inconsequential. Hitchcock, for example, used Bosco chocolate syrup for blood in Psycho.

These days, some red dye or other form of red coloring is essential, and the darker and gloppier the better. Homemade concoctions aiding color and texture have included ingredients like corn syrup, chocolate mixes, peanut butter, flour, laundry detergent, condensed milk, arrowroot, coffee granules, Kool-Aid mix, strawberry jelly, gelatin, and more.

Do you have a favorite tried and tested blood recipe?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sara! I'm not a horror movie fan, but I am a fan of yours! I also have a recommendation for a base for a blood recipe: vanilla pudding. We used it for a play in college and what was great is that it doesn't dry out, it's gelatinous in just the right way, you can thin it out as you need, AND IT TASTES GOOD!
